Comms Strategy
Concept Development
Australia’s Greatest Liability
For too long, energy companies have engaged in greenwashing campaigns that have worked remarkably well in creating a positive perception in the community of some of the nation's largest carbon polluters. Greenpeace briefed Monster Children Creative to tackle this approach head on by highlighting that AGL Energy is the single biggest Australian company contributing to climate pollution.
The Work
Adopting a brand jamming creative strategy, Monster Children Creative developed parody ad spots utilising the brand architecture, identity and fonts while subversively updating headlines that talked to brand truths not as widely known in the community. After we updated the AGL acronym to Australia’s Greatest Liability, AGL took action in the High Court of Australia against Greenpeace citing copyright infringement. Greenpeace successfully defended this action (parody defense) and in the process enjoyed one of the largest earned media campaigns in the organisation's history. Monster Children Creative is proud to have been involved in a campaign that truly changed perception and led to real change.